Miami Blue Crew
Kathy Reinertsen
bfly4u at
Mon Apr 29 21:18:28 EDT 2002
My time and resources will not be needed if you are asking me to
help Jeffery Glassberg.
Ed Reinertsen
Robert Kelley wrote:
> What is there to settle? There is plenty for everyone to do. We will be
> concentrating on southeast Florida including the Keys, since we have the
> expertise and contacts to be effective here. According to the map on the
> USGS site for the range of the Miami Blue there is a large area of the
> southwest coast of Florida including Sanibel Island where the butterfly
> used to be(I have an intersesting reference from a 1982 publication of the
> Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation which I will share as soon as
> final exam week is over). This area needs to be surveyed I believe.
> David Spencer Smith, who is our advisor on this issue, has been kind
> enought to share his field notes from the 1970s and 1980s on sightings of
> the Miami Blue on north Key Biscayne, North Key Largo and Lignum Vitae
> Key. I visited the site on North Key Biscayne with him last year, but we
> were unable to locate the butterfly. Mark Salvato is checking out Lignum
> Vitae Key. North Key Largo will be be checked next month.
> There are still many questions that need to be answered about the host
> plants of this butterfly and its relationship to native ants(which may
> have been seriously affected by the fire ants that have invaded south
> Florida in the past 25 years).
> The road to HELL is certainly paved with good intentions. As I informed
> Bob a few weeks ago the time that I have available will be devoted to The
> joint project with NABA, since I feel that is the most effective use of my
> time. I have informed all of my friends in Audubon of Florida(including
> the Florida Keys Chapter) and the Dade County Chapter of the Florida Native
> Plant Society of my decision and the reasons for it.
> Bob Kelley
> RKelley at
> President, Miami Blue Chapter, NABA, Miami, FL and
> past President, Tropical Audubon Society, Miami, FL
> P.S. I have been involved in conservation activities here in Florida for
> 35 years, so I find it amusing to be called a puppet of Jeffrey Glassberg.
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