Bye Bye to All

Leptraps at Leptraps at
Tue Apr 30 07:49:12 EDT 2002

Hey folks:

I have been on this list a little over 2 ½ years. I must confess that I have really enjoyed the experience. Those who subscribe to the list come from all walks of life; all levels of knowledge, and varying degrees of tolerance. But all have a profound love of Lepidoptera, but not Lepidopterists! You have tolerated me and my sick sense of humor, I appreciate that.

I must depart the list for a time. My family, traps business, and a huge backlog of specimens in my freezer are consuming my time, and I must make decisions to get things done. It is with some regret that I depart. I will miss taking shots at all of you, even Paul, Jeff, NABA, and all those who voted for Al Gore and George Bush. (I voted for Donald Duck in the last 11 elections).

When I get caught up, I will be back, maybe with some new material!!!!!

Take care, and drop me a line every now and then!

P/S: Some Kentucky humor; when a Red Neck couple get a divorce, they are still legally brother and sister!

Leroy C. Koehn
Georgetown, KY
"Let's get Among Them"


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