
Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Tue Apr 30 11:50:50 EDT 2002

--- Michael Gochfeld <gochfeld at EOHSI.RUTGERS.EDU> wrote:
> A few weeks ago we had a lot of posts about subspecies.   This
> morning two items
> caught my eye, and although non-lep, they bear on the issue of
> subspecies.
> A Sage Sparrow paper in Auk, used the 75% rule to show that only
> three
> subspecies (rather than 5) were diagnosable on mensural
> charactgers).
> Somewhere more interesting, I think is the abstract on sheep,
> identifying two
> subspecifically distinct ancestors for domestic sheep---apparently
> mainly on
> gene sequences.
> So subspecies continue to have respect among veretebrate
> biologists.
> Mike Gochfeld
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Very interesting Michael,

And yes we vertebrate bioogists do respect subspecies. I have worked
with mammal, bird and herp subbspecies and still work with the last
two. However I have had no encounters with sheep of any variety.


Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at
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