Haploa clymene

Dale Roberts/Bill Yule droberts03 at SNET.Net
Thu Aug 1 12:47:43 EDT 2002

   Great photos of H. clymene John.   JH's photos of the Clymene moth are
indeed timely and they remind me of the sometimes astonishing synchronicity
of moth emergence across broad bands of landscape.  At the "TILS-Moth-rah"
listserve there has been an ongoing "name that moth" photo game generated by
an excellent photographer (Sheepdawg) who posts photos of moths unknown to
him and the list subscribers get to name them.  Tuesday night Sheepdawg
posted a photo, "Unknown moth #41" and guess what it was?  Right, clemene!
Guess where it was photographed?  Right, Indiana!  See what I mean?  The
moths that "Dawg" photographs in Indiana are so similar in both species
composition and emergence times to the moths that occur ON MY PORCH that
Dawg joked "Why don't I just come over to your house to photograph these
moths."  Anyway I'm babbling on and on about this because YESTERDAY while
walking a dirt road behind the Guilford Monastary (Connecticut)a big bright
orange and cream-colored moth flew up in front of my face and landed on a
goldenrod leaf and folded its wings to reveal the telltale pattern of St.
Anthony's cross:  Haploa clymene!  It all makes you wonder.

                                Bill Yule----- Original Message -----
From: "jh" <jhimmel at mindspring.com>
To: <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 10:51 AM
Subject: Haploa clymene

> Leplisters - I've added a few new moths to "Moths in a CT Yard" since I
> posted.  The latest is Haploa clymene.  Always liked 'em...  Stop by
> www.connecticutmoths.com
> John
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> John Himmelman
> Killingworth, CT
> jhimmel at mindspring.com
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
>  Visit my websites at:
>   www.johnhimmelman.com
>   www.connecticutmoths.com
>   www.ctamphibians.com
> ____________________________
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