Big Oil, Chemical & Farm Machinery companies provide superb Monarch Butterfly Breeding Habitat

Patrick Foley patfoley at
Fri Aug 16 17:03:34 EDT 2002

Hi Lepsters,

I just got back from fieldwork in the Yucatan, and I can see that here in
the USA our brains are spinning along just as merrily as ever.

Although I hate to spoil the brainless fun, it is worth remembering that
Monarchs are just one species of animal. Thousands of animals and plants
are not generalist exploiters of disturbed habitats, and they might have
voted for something other than the conversion of the NA Midwest to corn

But you knew that already, right?

As ever,
patfoley at

Paul Cherubini wrote:

> The most concentrated summer monarch breeding populations
> in the world exist in the upper midwestern USA.  In particular,
> Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, have a great abundance of
> monarchs in the summer.
> Just where do these monarchs breed?  According to Iowa State
> entomologists It turns out most of them breed on milkweed plants
> growing WITHIN the canopy of crop monocultures such as corn and
> soybeans  I got to see this first hand during a visit to the area of
> Morris, Minnesota on July 28 - Aug. 1
> As you view the following pictures, bear in mind:
> a)  Monsanto and Dupont provided the crop seeds and herbicides
> that help the crop to flourish
> b) John Deere tractors provided the machinery to prepare the soil and
> harvest the crops
> c) Big oil companies provided the gasoline and oil run the tractors and
> harvesters.
> d) Chemical companies provided the nitrogen fertilizer required to
> help the crops flourish.
> If you're wondering just what makes these crop monocultures
> such great monarch breeding habitat well its because:
> 1. A reduced abundance and diversity of monarch egg and
> caterpillar parasites and predators exists WITHIN the monoculture
> crop canopy.
> 2. The rich, fertile, well aerated soil and crop irrigation water
> promotes the survival and growth of milkweed seedlings. Tender
> and well watered milkweed seedlings promote the production of big,
> vigorous monarch caterpillars and butterflies.
> 3.  Red Clover and Alfalfa crops (livestock feed) commonly planted
> in the same region or on the borders of the crops provide a rich,
> abundant nectar source for monarch and other butterflies.
> Paul Cherubini
> Placerville, Calif.
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