Help in identifying butterfly

Annette & Guy Van de Poel Guy_VdP at
Thu Aug 22 03:33:57 EDT 2002

It is Papilio (Princeps) demoleus Linnaeus, 1758.
It is at home in tropical south-eastern Asia, in open places
(it is not a forest butterfly), where the larvae indeed live on Citrus spp.
It has a close relative in Africa and SW Asia (Arabia) called P. (P.) demodocus Esper, [1798].
That one also lives on Citrus trees, and can sometimes become a pest (maybe also demoleus).
Nice pictures.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rodolfo Kintanar 
  To: leps-l at 
  Sent: donderdag 22 augustus 2002 9:12
  Subject: Help in identifying butterfly

  Please help identify this butterfly my daughter and her son raised.

  I got the larvae from a citrus plant.



  Thank you.

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