Larva in Cochise County, Arizona

Richard Worth rworth at
Tue Aug 27 16:00:11 EDT 2002

Looks like possibly a Euchaetes (Arctiid).  The "look" is right and I 
think all the Euchaetes eat milkweeds or apocynaceous plants. 
Opler's new distribution manual of Arctiids for the West should have 
distributions for western species.  Sorry, don't have my copy handy.
Cheers,  Rich

>I found a handsome (moth?) larva this morning on Climbing Milkweed
>(Sarcostemma cynanchoides) in my yard on Carr Canyon at the base of the
>Click on:
>Any ideas on species?
>Hank Brodkin
>Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
>hbrodkin at
>SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association (SEABA)
>"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
>by Bob Stewart, Priscilla Brodkin and Hank Brodkin
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461


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