skipper IDs
Will Cook
cwcook at
Wed Aug 28 10:39:19 EDT 2002
Here are photos of two unidentifieds:
The duskywing I photographed in Durham, NC on 8/17. It's backlit, so you
can see all the spots in the forewing clearly - there was no cell end
spot. It was as dark as the photo shows. Size seemed right for Horace's
or Zarucco. The local options now are Horace's (Erynnis horatius),
Zarucco (E. zarucco), and Wild Indigo (E. baptisiae).
The grass-skipper was photographed in Croatan National Forest, Craven
County, NC on 8/25. It was very small, noticeable smaller than the
Delawares we'd been seeing. The two spotless orangish skippers in the
area now are Delaware (Anatrytone logan) and Arogos (Atrytone arogos).
Our guess is a runt worn male Delaware.
Thanks for any insight you can give.
Charles W. "Will" Cook w 919-660-7423 cwcook at
Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Box 90340, Durham, NC 27708
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