Orange Phoebis in Virginia

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Thu Aug 29 07:51:08 EDT 2002

Mine, too. As far as Mark's question is concerned, during mid-October, my
Zebra Swallowtail girl and I will be in Orlando. I'll keep everyone posted
of what I see (and collect).

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Mark Walker [SMTP:MWalker at]
> Sent:	Thursday, August 29, 2002 12:54 AM
> To:	'rhilton at'; LEPS-L at
> Subject:	RE: Orange Phoebis in Virginia
> My vote is Pheobis agarithe.  It sounds like one from your description,
> and
> it doesn't seem to me to be a huge stretch that P. agarithe might
> occasionally move that far up the eastern seaboard from Florida.
> How common are they now on the northeastern coast of Florida (or other
> northern locations)?
> Mark Walker.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Hilton, Rob [mailto:rhilton at]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 3:10 PM
> > To: LEPS-L at
> > Subject: Orange Phoebis in Virginia
> > 
> > Around 1 or 2 pm, Saturday August 24, as I was driving north on US 13 in
> > northern Northampton County, Virginia, I saw a large, orange butterfly
> > flying over the road.  It seemed to be identical in shape, size,
> altitude,
> > and behavior to the many Cloudless Sulphurs (Phoebis sennae) that I had
> > noted that day.  However, it was essentially orange.  I drove more or
> less
> > under it and kept on going, as I figured relocating it would be
> > impossible.  This butterfly was probably 12 feet or so above the road as
> I
> > was traveling north around 55 mph.  I knew that there are only a handful
> > of records anywhere near this far north for other Phoebis species, and I
> > figured trying to relocate a single butterfly along a busy highway was
> > next to impossible.  The only other non-Cloudless Phoebis sulphurs I
> have
> > ever seen were Large Orange (P. agarithe) and Orange-barred (P. philea)
> > nine years ago in Texas.  This past weekend I saw 150-200 Cloudless
> > Sulphurs, both from the car and while walking.
> > 
> > All the Cloudless Sulphurs were quite obvious.  I frequently saw them
> > flying across US 13 at heights of 6 to 15 feet, as well as closer to the
> > ground along the side of the highway.  I think I saw around 200
> > individuals during the three days I was in the Eastern Shore of
> Virginia,
> > and I am quite familiar with Phoebis sennae, having seen thousands of
> them
> > one day in 1998 at Point Lookout, Maryland as well as many around Cape
> > May, NJ, and various other parts of the Middle Atlantic states.  I
> didn't
> > note any Colias sulphurs at all this weekend.  I am quite familiar with
> > the Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme) and have seen a few Sleepy Oranges
> > (Eurema nicippe) too.
> > 
> > The USGS website shows that Orange-barred Sulphur has been noted from
> > three western Virginia counties, single counties in both central
> > Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and three counties in New York and New
> > England.  It also shows that Large Orange Sulphur has been found in two
> > counties in central Maryland, and single counties in New York, New
> Jersey,
> > and Maine.  The nearest counties to the south are in Georgia and
> northeast
> > Florida, respectively.
> > 
> > I welcome comments on this observation.
> > 
> > Returning to the Washington, DC, area on August 26 I noted my last
> > Cloudless Sulphur just east of the Nanticoke River bridge at the
> Wicomico
> > / Dorchester County line.
> > 
> > Best,
> > 
> > Rob Hilton
> > rhilton at
> > Bethesda, Md.
> > 
> > 
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