Miami Blue news from the island

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Sat Dec 14 12:20:55 EST 2002

 From Tom Emmel:
Two exciting developments! -- I am sending a quick note to you,  so you can
write up a better account and  inform all interested parties:

(1) At 11:00 a.m. today (December 14), the group at Bahia Honda observed an
adult Miami Blue, marked with a #15 on the underside.  This blue was marked
by Dr. Jaret Daniels as part of our population estimating survey procedure
underway since last May.  Most remarkably, Blue #15 was marked on FRIDAY,
DECEMBER 6, and thus represents the longest life span recorded so far for
the Miami Blue in the adult stage  -- at least nine days!

	The long life span is probably due at least partially to the
unseasonally cold rainy weather experienced in the Florida Keys this past
week; today is sunny and about 70-72 degrees at Bahia Honda.

(2) The New York Times just called Jaret (11:05 a.m.)to pass on the word to
all interested parties  that their big story on the Miami Blue, and the
broad effort to save it, will run tomorrow (December 15) in the Sunday
edition of the New York Times, as a front-page story with color pictures.

Most megabookstores such as Books-A-Million, Borders, etc., and newstands
carry the Sunday edition of the NY Times nationwide.

All for the moment!

Best, Tom

Thomas C. Emmel
Professor and Director
Division of Lepidoptera Research
Department of Zoology
P. O. Box 118525
123 Bartram Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL  32611-8525 (USA)
Phone:  (352) 392-5894
Fax: (352) 392-0479
E-mail:  tcemmel at


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