What is a lepidopterist

Jere Kahanpaa kahanpaa at gstar.astro.helsinki.fi
Fri Feb 1 05:15:32 EST 2002

Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus <Guy_VdP at t-online.de> wrote:
>>     In the interim, the collection of insect specimens has NOT been
>> outlawed.
> Yet.
> In Germany, 95% of the species occurring are protected, cannot be caught.
> The ones that can be, are species like the Pieris, Inachis io, Aglais
> urticae, the Vanessas.

Surely the 95% mark is for butterflies only? What about flies - is any 
species protected by law in Germany?

> In certain regions of Switzerland, collecting butterflies is completely
> forbidden. In Spain (including the Canary Islands) no butterfly (insects?)
> at all can be taken: illegal. 

IIRC one can collect rather freely in Spain if one is a member of 
a Spanish entomological society. 

Could someone report on the situation in Switzerland? I'll be there for a 
week in late March and might have time to do a little excursion. I know 
about the strict laws limiting Lep collection, but do they apply to other 
insect groups too?

Jere Kahanpää
It's hard to think outside the box when you ARE the box.
                            - unknown, alt.religion.kibology 


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