Vanessa at night - no 3

Jaakko Kullberg jaakko.kullberg at
Mon Feb 4 05:41:05 EST 2002

"Paul Cherubini" <monarch at> wrote in message
news:3C5C4FF0.4082 at
> Stan Gorodenski wrote:
Hmmm, I have now questioned some active collectors and check my old record
lists. I have collected in archipelago in the middle of see several times V.
atalanta, Inachis io, Pieris napi, P. rapae, P. brassicae at night - near
mid night and in autumn, with cloudy and warm migration weather. I have been
in the place in the coast line with white sheet, 2 x 20W UV and solarium
spot light when these butterflies came to the light. They were active
especially io and atalanta and definately not waked up. One brassicae I
noticed when it was still flying high up, before falling down to the light.
I am really wondering why these animals should made suicide in the see after
dark. Midnight is quite normal coming time for butterflies in Finnish
coastline as Russian and Estonian shoreline is 70-80 km south. So specimens
which start to cross the see will reach Finnish coastline in 3-4 hours.
Several friends have told - also Markku Savela mentioned it - that Pontia
daplidice migration was first noticed at night when many people got
daplidice on light. So, day before there was zero records and day later
thousends. What we should think about this if the species is not even native
in Finland or nearby areas?  I Also wonder why these night records and trap
records are made always during migration weather and not continuosly during
season? Nul hypothesis allowed?



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