Today's quiz

Mike Soukup mikayak3 at
Thu Feb 7 16:45:11 EST 2002

Easy one...


What do I win????


Patrick Foley wrote:

> Dear class,
> It is that time again, first quiz of the semester!!! Based on our
> readings from the leps-list during the semester so far, please circle
> the answer you agree with most.
> 1) Humans are part of the earth's ecosystem, therefore
> a) we should do anything we please since that is what all the other
> animals and plants are doing.
> b) we should take some responsibility for our messes and mistakes, and
> leave a little room for others.
> 2) Paul Ehrlich's predictions of doom have not all come true, therefore
> a) he is an evil genius attempting to destroy the American way of life.
> b) he does exagerrate, but almost all of the dangers he identifies are
> real, do need attention, and have gotten attention precisely because of
> doomsayers like him.
> 3) Jeffrey Glassberg believes most butterfly natural history is better
> done with binoculars than nets, and he may also have a law degree,
> therefore
> a) he is an evil genius attempting to enlist hordes of birdwatchers to
> destroy the American way of life.
> b) he is helping to improve some natural history skills of the general
> public and produce a few nice photos on the side.
> 4) E. O. Wilson spends more time on ants than butterflies, but among his
> thousands of pages of writings, he dares to mention butterflies,
> therefore
> a) he is an evil genius, bent on destroying the self esteem of people
> who own butterfly nets.
> b) he likes butterflies, and thinks that in overpopulated, urban
> settings it would be the sensible thing to watch them more than kill
> them.
> 5) The US Endangered Species Act of 1973 puts limitations on the
> collection of an incredibly small fraction of the butterfly checklist,
> therefore
> a) soon we will be hunted down in our homes like drug criminals, and our
> nets confiscated as paraphernalia.
> b) Americans do care about things as economically insignificant as a
> subspecies of blue, and, in order to protect it in an even-handed way
> towards all citizens (required by the US Constitution's concept of equal
> protection and due process etc.) will go to slightly ludicrous lengths
> to assure the survival of both the butterfly and the Constitution.
> You may grade your own quiz answers in any way you like, because here in
> America, we can say anything we want no matter how dumb. If you live in
> some other country, you may ignore this quiz as just another example of
> kooky American self-absorption.
> Yours academically,
> Dr. Patrick Foley
> patfoley at
> PS For extra credit, please find out what 'paraphernalia' really means
> and see how it connects to the release of butterflies at weddings!
> PPS This quiz is dedicated to the dark humorist Anne Kilmer, hoping she
> is well enough to enjoy it.
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