After DQP and Ockham, two more principles (from the birds)

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Fri Feb 15 01:18:38 EST 2002

Yes we sure can with the understanding of a shift of scale in the 
geography. The smaller the organism - the more can be packed in to the same 
volume of habitat. As well as allo/sympatry we need to consider 
allo/syntopy, allo/synchrony, and allo/synoecy. Expect the boundary 
relations to get weird as the numbers increase and the available space 
seems larger to smaller organisms.
...............Chris Durden

At 08:13 AM 2/14/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>--- "Chris J. Durden" <drdn at> wrote:
> > For me the difference in habitat preference, implying difference of
> > niche
> > is significant.
> >
>As an ornithologist that is my viewpoint precisely. Can we apply the
>same standards to leps? I know we should, but it seems hard to work
>on allopatry and sympatry with butterflys and moths.
>Bob Parcelles, Jr
>Pinellas Park, FL
>RJP Associates, C2M-BWPTi
>rjparcelles at


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