[leps-talk] Why aren't Mexico's overwintering monarchs in the news yet this winter?

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Sat Feb 16 21:44:26 EST 2002

You're probably disappointed that I'm going back to this thread after having
just enjoyed a field trip, but I wanted to respond to Michael:

> Whewwww.  I'm glad that the sarcasm didn't go undetected.

I must have been feeling sensitive.  As they say in Jersey - "forget about

> Mark,  I don't think we are in disagreement about the basic principle
> that we can't trust everything we read.  But I'm not sure why there is
> such a problem with the Monarch story.  Unless one doubts that it got
> cold, and unless one doubts that a lot of Monarchs died (both of which
> seem verifiable), those could pass as facts no matter what their
> source.

I'm not doubting the story that it got cold in Mexico.  I'm not even
suggesting that the rainforest isn't in danger of being mowed.  I'm
expressing my trouble with the frequency of these reports, the bias of the
reports towards doom and gloom, and the bothersome situation that the same
names seem to be drawing as much attention to the their guruship as to the
fate of the Monarchs.  It is a bit odd that we only hear bad things from
these people, and it's equally odd (to me anyway) how much press they seem
to get.  If I've seen 50 butterfly press stories in the last five years, I'd
guess that 40 have been about Monarchs, and 36 of those are supported
primarily by quotes from these same people.  Maybe Paul has me snowed, but I
have to admit that it has me doubting.  You say it makes sense because only
a few people are experts.  Perhaps - but the data also suggests that these
people are supporting a cause and not science.  It's a popular cause, too,
so the dollar for speaking engagements must be phat!

> Anyway, while we're talking someone somewhere is cutting down or paving
> over butterfly habitat.  They are not all intrinsically unpleasant
> people, but the outcome saddens me most of the time.

I certainly don't argue this point.  I guess I would just prefer that no one
exploit that truth.

Mark Walker


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