Butterfly IDs?

Niklas Wahlberg Niklas.Wahlberg at zoologi.su.se
Mon Feb 18 10:17:42 EST 2002

Hi all,
    I recently received a few Peruvian butterfly species for DNA work. 
Unfortunately the sender did not identify them (indeed I understood that 
she simply netted anything that looked like a nymphalid). I would really 
appreciate it if anybody could give these specimens names. Some of them 
have actually been sequenced already. The specimens can be viewed at 
http://www.zoologi.su.se/research/wahlberg/Nymphalinae/Peru.htm where the 
first four specimens are riodinids and the last five are nymphalids. The 
nymphalids I was able to ID with some confidence (though a species name for 
the Euptychia would be nice), but the riodinids are largely unknown to me. 
Thanks for any help!


Niklas Wahlberg
Department of Zoology
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 164047
Fax:   +46 8 167715



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