altruistic conservationists

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Tue Feb 19 20:59:29 EST 2002

Patrick Foley wrote:

> Dear lepsters,
> Since I just had a detached retina reattached (I am very myopic, which
> is a predisposing factor for retinal attachment and for the study of
> things you can hold in your hand such as plants and insects), I have not
> been able to contribute my usual derisive comments to the list. It is
> good to see that the struggle goes on without me!
> A few leads someone else may want to follow up on:
> Is Paul Cherubini an agent of Mexican forestry interests?
> Does Paul Ehrlich use more resources than any other lepidopterist on the
> planet? (His jet fuel bill alone must be enormous)*
> Are Paul Cherubini and Paul Ehrlich the same person? (Northern
> California Lepidopterists whose careers are the apex of irony!)
> Are Lincoln Brower and Abraham Lincoln the same person? The one gave us
> the income tax and the draft, the other refuses to accept the secession
> of a southern race. They both want to force the Federal Government down
> our throats!
> Who will history remember more fondly, selfish self-promoting
> conservationists or selfless tools of industrial despoliation?
> With one eye to the future and one eye to the patch,
> Patrick Foley
> patfoley at

*personally I am exploring other means of propulsion, and recommend this to many of our colleagues, 

but I am too much of a lady to mention it. Paul C's fuel is free, I 
happen to know.

praying for you. my my, a lot of us have sudden fallen apart.
enlightened self-interest is oh-so-much better than altruism, because it 
is real. You do need to be able to look at the big picture ...

why don't the Mexicans just plant Eucalyptus, I wonder. Fast growing 
tree, done wonders for everyplace around the Mediterranean, and hey, 
what about Casuarina, that grows well, too. Monarchs, as we all know, 
don't much care what they're sitting on; they just want to sit down.

I have been awaiting (through this long week's worth of catching up) 
somebody's casual remark that they're just bugs and there will be plenty 
to replant the continent, even if most of them freeze and stink.

What I worry about is the places the bugs fly to, the fractured habitat, 
all the little guys getting lost while people argue about whether they 
are sub-species or species, as if that made them more worth saving, 
bless our hearts.
For we're doing the best we can, and winter will be over any minute now.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida


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