V. cardui

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Wed Feb 20 17:34:32 EST 2002

Here's what we do. Think of Colin's plan as the vine, and we make a 
trellis for it.
Butterfly Messages: the world's children planting butterfly gardens and 
preparing to receive the full spectrum of butterflies northward bound, 
as messages of peace.
These butterflies then to be fostered and returned (those few that fly 
south) along with their attendant dragonflies, swallows etc., in even 
better condition, as a message of peace and love back to the children of 
the South.

Butterfly Blessings ... dyed Painted Ladies released from classrooms 
etc. and tracked to mark the passage of the butterflies, and distinguish 
releases from native bugs. (If this makes the scientists gag a little, 
well, ha ha ha.)
If you see one, you a) get a wish, and b) report it. The way Colin said.
It has, after all, been loaded with love.

It's got everything. Kids, spring, eye-appeal, a lively story to follow, 
an interactive web page worldwide, and depending on how fast you can get 
your number crunching set up, you get precise records of what happens to 
released common butterflies.
Plus, you have all those butterfly gardens and children's sharp eyes 
watching, you should get a good idea of what's flying when, and how you 
might jimmie butterfly populations in areas where broken habitat 
requires a bit of a boost.
you'd need to get local butterfly gardeners to teach classes at the 
schools, provide good nurseries etc. and guidance for the children. In 
Florida, that's all in place I think ... so if we start in Florida and 
tell people as we go, they can be ready in time, you reckon?

The Miami Blue plan would ride on this like a little cork.
Anne Kilmer


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