vanessa cardui

Sunsol SUNSOL at
Sat Feb 23 16:22:21 EST 2002

Colin, I saw my first lady Feb 12, 2002 in Berkeley. I think it was a
painted lady. Sally

Colin Foley <cwfoley at> wrote in message
news: at
> Dear butterfly-people. I am Colin Foley, and I am doing a 4th grade
> project on the migration of Vanessa cardui. Could you please post all
> sightings of PLs (painted ladies) on your Leps list? I plan to use GIS (my
> mother is teaching me how) to track their migration times this year and
> last (using archives), and will report back to you what I find. The best
> data would be if you say what day you first see the butterfly this year
> where. I need either GPS coordinates or latitude and longitude or just
> nearest town and how far and what direction away from it.
> Thank you.
> Oh and by the way, Patrick is supposed to be in bed, not reading the
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