Fw: [Saskbirds] Virus alert!!!
Martin Bailey
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Feb 26 19:33:30 EST 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: Ron and Joy Martin
To: Addison Ball ; alanwat at gfherald.infi.net ; Amy Schrock ; BCHS Class of '73 ; Becky and Roy Smucker ; bigjeff at ruggedwest.com ; Bill and Carolee McQuiston ; Birdword ; Bjsmucker at aol.com ; Bob & Christine Danley ; Bob Luterbach ; Bob Murphy ; Bob O'Connor ; Bob Randall ; BRIAN K. WHEELER ; Bruce and Helen Glick ; Bryan Stotts/R1/USDAFS ; Bryce Hysjulien ; Byron Dorgan ; Carol Lawson ; Charles Carlson ; Charles J Taft ; Charles J. Taft ; Cheryl Wormstadt ; Chris Beachy ; Chris Grondahl ; Chuck Carlson ; Chuck Solly ; Clark Talkington ; Connie Norheim ; Corey D Ellingson ; Corey D. Ellingson ; Corliss, Keith ; D Weaver ; Dale Schwan ; Dan and Peggy Bair ; Dan Svingen ; Dan Svingen ; Dan Tallman ; Darlene Dintaman ; Dave Swanson ; Dave Trochlell ; David Cahlander ; David Lambeth ; David Sibley ; Dawn and Dave Weaver ; Don and Hydie Lown ; Don DeWitt ; Don Kroodsma ; Doreen and Gary Clock ; Doug Backlund ; Doug Backlund ; drc at btigate.com ; Earl Pomeroy ; Eileen.DowdStukel at state.sd.us ; Ellingson, Corey D. ; Ensifera at aol.com ; Eric L. Walters ; Eric Liknes ; Eve Freeberg ; fralyn ; Frank Enders ; fredkonkin ; Galen Martin ; Geoff LeBaron ; gina sheridan ; Gordon Berkey ; Gordon Berkey ; Gordon Berkey ; Grant Brockey ; Grant Schoenberg ; Greg Butcher ; Gregg_Knutsen at FWS.GOV ; Gruff Dodd ; hpmans at metrolink.net ; Isis Stark ; J. Tyler Bell ; Jack Lefor ; Jane Kostenko ; Jane Kostenko ; Janelle Masters ; Jay Roberson ; Jean Legge ; Jean Legge ; Jeff Gordon ; Jeff McDowell ; Jeff Palmer ; Jennifer J Rycenga ; Jesse Parker ; Jill A Dechant ; Jim and Maggie Bair ; Jocelyn Baker ; johnk at nvc.net ; Jon Dunn ; Jrlarson35 at aol.com ; karen & murf ; KarlBardon at aol.com ; Karyn Angell ; Katy Smucker ; Katy Smucker ; Keith Corliss ; Keith Lockhart ; Keith Pardieck ; Kenn Kaufman ; Kenneth_Torkelson at fws.gov ; Kenny's ; Kent Conrad ; Kim R. Eckert ; Kim Risen ; Kim Schultz ; Larry Igl ; ldailey ; Lillian R Bair ; Lynda Knutsen ; Marge and Barry Weaver ; marie jordan ; Mark Gonzalez ; Marilyn and Jay Shetler ; Mark Gonzalez ; Mark Otnes ; Martin Bailey ; Mary Christensen ; Maxine Martin and Joe Fretz ; michael ; Michael Bender ; Michael Patten ; Mike and Marla Morser ; Mike Morser ; Mike Powers ; Minnesota Birding Network ; Montana Birds ; mtrechock ; ND-Birds ; nlblock at rice.edu ; Nuff Said ; Parker Backstrom ; Parker Backstrom ; Paul Baicich ; Paul Konrad ; Paul Lehman and Shawmeen Finnegan ; Paulette_Scherr at fws.gov ; PCDI ; Peder Svingen ; Peter McCalmont ; Phil and Karen Swope ; Ray Bair ; Rhonda Martin ; Rich Oseles ; Richard and Ann Breslin ; Ricky Olson ; Rita Satermo ; Rob Fergus ; Robb Schenck ; Robert H McFall ; Robert R. Montgomery ; Robert_Russell at fws.gov ; Roberta Johnson ; Rocky Mountain Discovery Tours ; Roger Hauf ; Ron and Joy Martin ; Ross Silcock ; Ross Silcock ; Roy and Alice Martin ; Ryan Hochstetler ; Sandi Myers ; Sara Kendall ; Saskbirds at yahoogroups.com ; save5459 at arabia.com ; SCHNEIDER, Donna ; Scott & Wendi Beadle ; Scott Fry, Organizer ; Scott Hed ; Scott Hed ; SD Birds ; sdevore at voyager.net ; Shane Patterson ; Shelley Norton ; Sharon Schroeder ; Stephen J. Dinsmore ; Steven Mlodinow ; Susan Baker ; Talkingtons ; Tallman, Dan ; Tarcila Fox ; Terhorst Mfg. ; The Bachelor (ette) of the Day! ; Thom, Terri, and Jeremy Smith ; Thomas Love ; Tim Driscoll ; Tim Ladendorf ; Todd Hanson ; Todd Jensen ; Tom T Sklebar ; TSmthNt at netscape.net ; Victoria Irwin ; Wayne Fahy ; W-Bis.Webmaster at noaa.gov ; Wes ; WEWARB at aol.com ; WWF Conservation Action Network
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 4:45 PM
Subject: [Saskbirds] Virus alert!!!
We had this virus and chances are that you have it also since you are in our address book. The virus is said to lay dormant for 14 days and then kills your hard drive. We, luckily, have not had the chance to verify this last part since we located the virus. To eradicate the virus, follow these steps:
1. Go to your "Start" menu and select "Find" or "Search" depending on your system.
2. In the "Named" or "Search for files or folders" enter sulfnbk.exe - this is the virus.
3. In your "Look in" box check to make sure you are searching drive (C:).
4. Start search.
5. If the sulfnbk.exe file comes up, DO NOT OPEN IT. It will have a strange black icon that really makes no sense.
6. RIGHT click on the file and LEFT click on the "Delete" option.
7. Say "YES" when you are prompted to send it to the recycle bin.
8. To empty the recycle bin after placing the virus in it, Right click on your Recycle bin icon and Left click on "Empty Recycle Bin".
Please make sure not to open the virus file when you search and when it is in the recycle bin. Although it is in the bin, it can
still be accessed.
If these steps are followed, you should be able to erase the virus with no incident. If you do find it, please forward this e-mail to all in your address book, because this is how it is transferred.
Thanks, Joy
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