Key West Leps

Richard Worth rworth at
Tue Jan 8 14:55:14 EST 2002

snip...Ron wrote
>So while in Key West hit the marsh areas and look for this. North end of
>Island to south side, toward air base, good area.  This is such a little
>critter that not only is the entire adult overlooked or missed but also its
>details - like antennal club size and color.  It would not surprise me that
>two species are involved and that true pseudofea is actually the less
>"common" of the insularus is known to extend into at least north

Randy and all,
Look in the book, Florida's Fabulous Butterflies (bright, coffee 
table book) for a photo of one of these taken by my wife, Kerri, in 
the salt marsh area I mentioned before on south Big Pine Key.  It's 
an underside.  I couldn't get a good shot so she uses my camera and, 
well, guess what?  It was down in the pickleweed; you gotta look hard.

Best,  Rich

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461


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