conservation and environmentalism and management

mbpi at mbpi at
Tue Jan 8 20:23:46 EST 2002

In my day (the early 70's) what David Smith's post referred to as
"conservation" was called "resource management."  My degree is in
"wildlife management," which was based on land use by the public and the
impact that native wildlife had on it...not "wildlife
conservation"...that came later.

M.B. Prondzinski

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002 08:34:42 -0800 (PST) "Bob Parcelles,Jr."
<rjparcelles at> writes:
> --- David Smith <idleweed at> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >     These terms used in recent arguments have been used
> > interchangably and I
> > believe they mean quite different things. The following is my
> > opinion.
> > Conservation used to mean conserving our resources (natural or
> > otherwise) so
> > that we did not destroy our farm fields or our woods because we
> > need them to
> > survive. Thus in my area we had contour farming and keeping 
> cattle
> > out of
> > woods so that we would have more timber. Environmentalism seems 
> to
> > be
> > protecting the environment so that other animals and plants 
> survive
> > without
> > regard for the human use of these organisms.
> >     If one wants to preserve a certain woods so that people can
> > enjoy it as
> > a park or it is needed by humans for some other reason this is
> > conservation.
> > If it is being preserved because an organism lives there that 
> lives
> > nowhere
> > else and has no use to humans or probably any other creature this
> > is
> > environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to concern itself with
> > natural
> > areas or returning areas to their natural condition and 
> restricting
> > the use
> > of these areas to other animals besides humans.
> >     I think that the two terms should not be mixed because it 
> gives
> > conservationists a bad name through association since
> > environmentalism is
> > viewed negatively by so many people.
> >     This is just my opinion and I freely admit that I may be 
> wrong.
> > 
> >                     David Smith
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