Neil Jones et al. - conservationists

Martin Bailey cmbb at
Wed Jan 9 10:36:01 EST 2002

I, a new member of this listserv, will consider myself lucky that I have
been helped by two or three of your members offlist.  They have generously
given me more than I am able to return.

I will, nevertheless, consider my option to unsubscribe.  I, like everyone
else, has to ration his time by making choices.

Hopefully, I will continue to do as I have done in the past.  I will try to
seek out those who are able to constructively use their intellectual
energies.  People who have the passions of committment to what they are
doing without that committment overwhelming them.

Martin Bailey,

greetings from:  Weyburn, SK., Canada.
                         49.39N  103.51W

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne Kilmer" <viceroy at GATE.NET>
Cc: <leps-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Neil Jones et al. - conservationists

> Neil Jones wrote:
> snip
> >
> > One one occasion that I remember Rene Boutin accused me of attacking
someone. That person
> > then came forward to say that I hadn't! If Ron Gatrelle is allowed a
> > sense of humour then so am I.
> >
> >
> >
> Listen, guys, we do not all speak the same language ... not even if we
> think we do. Often our hyperbole is taken as sober fact, or vice versa.
> Some of us are scientists, some teachers, some poets, and some, perhaps
> too many, are preachers.
> If you do not define your terms, you cannot preach. You will use an idio
> and it will bite you in the butterfly, every time.
> Will you all for godsake use smileys and winkys when you are saying
> something you know to be outrageous. I, too, will try to do this,
> although I hate the things.
> just for a little while, until we work this thing out, please?
> Some of the new guys are beginning to worry.
> Anne Kilmer
> South Florida
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