Glassberg tells reporters collectors "could wipe out" the Miami Blue

Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus Guy_VdP at
Thu Jan 10 06:17:32 EST 2002

Here we go again.
I came on this list when TK had just been convicted. There were endless
debates over collecting versus not-collecting.
My first keyboard went bad (just one key).
I don't know if you (Paul) do this to provoke Neil to write another series
of well-ment but badly worded mails, but to me it looks like it.
TK was thrown off this list, and his venom with him. Please, don't let him
back in through the back door.


----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Cherubini <monarch at>
To: <Leps-l at>
Sent: donderdag 10 januari 2002 11:43
Subject: Re: Glassberg tells reporters collectors "could wipe out" the Miami

> Ron wrote:
> > One of the things Glassberg mentioned as a "threat" to the Blues and
> > leps was Hurricanes.  Well, hurricanes at the southern tip of Florida
> > the Keys are only a "threat" to people.  They have been a vital part of
> > ecology of that area for thousands of years.
> Good points Ron about the hurricane "threat.  Below are some points
> Tom Kral made about the collector "threat" six years ago:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Extermination By Collecting? Prove it
> Newsgroups:
> Date: Sat, 3 Jun 1995 21:48:07 -0700
> From: Thomas Kral
> Subject: Extermination By Collecting? Prove it
> Too many times, people find it easy to blame the only visible thing they
> think is a threat - the collector with a net.  In reality there has NEVER
> been a documented case of any insect being collected to extinction.  Just
> because someone printed an old yarn scapegoating collectors as the blame
> does not necessarily make it the truth.  If you want the truth, please
> refer to "chapter and verse" in: Annual Review Of Entomology, the paper
> titled Insect Conservation, vol. 26, 1981, p.241 - part of the paragraph
> on Overcollecting where it is stated:
>      Although often mentioned as one of the chief threats to insect
>      populations, there are no documented cases of extinctions or even
>      local extirpations of insect populations due to indiscriminate
>      collecting...
> This paper is authored by 3 leading conservationists, Pyle, Opler &
> Bentzien.  Infact the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has not been able to
> produce any credible evidence to support the claim of "overcollecting"
> of any insect.
> Like all other collectors, I also agree in collecting
> within reason.  However by always blaming collectors, you are doing
> nothing constructive.  Rather you are "scapegoating" collectors and thus
> drawing attention away from habitat conservation and realistic
> environmental issues.
> I welcome you to debate this issue with me and show me some REAL
> evidence that insect collecting is harmful (no, the story about Lycaena
> dispar would not be good enough - blame the drainage of the fens for it's
> extinction in Britain, not the collectors.
> My impression of the great "insect collecting debate" amounts to
> nothing more than emotional views such as those expressed in the great
> "vegetarian versus meat-eater" arguement on this list in February -
> PLEASE folks, lets not repeat THAT arguement again.  However
> constructive arguements and specific evidence directly linked to
> is welcome.  No "anecdotal evidence" such as - "Erora laeta is extinct in
> Sleepy Hollow because I saw Leroy catching them all last week" type stuff
> either.  It would be nice to see some science rather than philosophy and
> new-age religion discussed here.  I truly welcome any reasonable comments
> direct, or posted to all recipients.
> Sincerely;
> Tom W. Kral
> thomask at
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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