Wathers, Collectors and Lepidopterists

Leptraps at aol.com Leptraps at aol.com
Thu Jan 10 11:52:50 EST 2002

I have always been offended when I am called a collector. I collect as a Lepidopterists. There is a difference between a collector and a Lepidopterists.

I maintain a collection as a Lepidopterists. Not only do I collect specimens, I rear, photograph, design and make equipment, I do all the things that I think a Lepidopterists should do. AND, I am only an amatuer.

A collector only collects specimens to fill drawers. Most spend very little time in the field collecting. There is no interest in the science of Lepidoptera. However, those who collect Lepidoptera to sell are the true collectors. Money and greed have no conscious or morals when it comes to the last specimen. I believe that TK and his ass-ociates were both.

There are those in NABA that consider most of us Lepidopterists as greedy collectors. You never read or hear the word Lepidopterists spoken by watchers, only the word collector. 

I am a Lepidopterists and extremely proud of it.


Leroy C. Koehn
Georgetown, KY

P/S: There is only one thing I fear, every time I crticize NABA in a post on this list. Someone, someplace in Connecticutt on a library computer will attempts to send me a virus or worm. It has happened 14 times since I joined this list. My virus software always interceps it. I will find this person sooner or later. If I can find W. Bryce Richfield, I can find this person as well.


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