Science as Art.

Martin Bailey cmbb at
Mon Jan 14 10:13:47 EST 2002

It was mentioned that it is just as important to creatively analysis data as
it is to gather it and put it through a canned statistical software program.
I agree.  But what I find ludicrous is that the original data is rarely
independently verified as to have been accurately observed.

So you presently have the situation where one researcher with limited
observational skills making a hundred observations or so which are then
analyzed using some statistical procedure or another and are deemed
significant. Results that are now considered publishable in some learned

On the other hand, three long time observers note the same phenomenon
independently of each other in three separate locations and their results
are just seen as anecdotal - not worthy of learned consideration.  (They are
not statistically significant.)

Martin Bailey,

greetings from:  Weyburn, SK., Canada.
                         49.39N  103.51W


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