nights with Vanessa ;-)

Richard Worth rworth at
Mon Jan 14 12:32:42 EST 2002

Andy and all,
I have, too, at times seen crepuscular/noct. behavior in 3 sp. of 
Vanessa.  Growing up in San Jose, CA, it was an almost guarantee that 
every summer,  annabella would be hanging around on the front walk of 
my parents house from late afternoon to sundown.  On warm nights, if 
I opened the garage door and had the lights on (fluorescent tubes), I 
would sometimes get one flying into the garage well after sundown.

I also noticed atalanta flying at dusk around one of the buildings on 
the SJSU campus.  Also last summer here in Salem after sundown, on 
our Buddleia, one was still busy stealing nectar while the Autographa 
were already coming in

During the cardui migration of the early 90's (91 or 92?), while in 
Arizona, I had a few cardui come to the collecting sheet with UV 
light, a few hours after dark, and also one came to the lights of a 
Burger King (yeah, I know I shouldn't eat that stuff) in Phoenix at 
about 11 pm.

All occurrences were on warm evenings (downright hot night in 
Phoenix! ~100 deg. F)
Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461


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