Miami Blue

Richard Worth rworth at
Tue Jan 15 18:34:17 EST 2002

John wrote:
>A program of this type would require the removal of early stages and/or
>adults from the population.  We simply don't know enough about the surviving
>population to allow this type of initiative at the current time.  The size
>of the population must be considered prior to any physical manipulation.
>Also, don't forget that permits must be obtained in order to remove anything
>from Bahia Honda State Park.  This may also take some time.
>A number of variables must be addressed including the removal of a
>predetermined number of individuals, scouting of potential introduction
>sites to ensure survivability, exotic hostplant control issues, and
>understanding of the logistics required for a successful captive breeding
>program.  In addition, after any introductions, the results must be

Absolutely true.  Not a small undertaking.  This was the kind of 
thing done with the Schaus project.  In addition to all John stated, 
you also need to do preliminary surveys of historical locations for 
the butterfly and plant species through known museum records.  There 
may still be some other sites out there.  Just an example of another 
very valuable use of collected specimens.  Leroy mentions that this 
thing was from at least 5 counties that he knew of.  That is some 
ground to cover.

Cheers,  Rich

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461


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