Early successional stages
Chris J. Durden
drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Jan 17 14:16:22 EST 2002
The tropical system I have looked at most closely (actual, not model, in
Rondonia) is very dynamic, that is, looking past the recent non-indigenous
human modifications.
Look at the life cycle of a representative large tree. The surviving
seedling grows rapidly in its light gap putting on wide growth rings for
the first fifty years. It reaches the canopy, overtopping its neighbors,
extends lateral branches and puts on narrow rings for the next hundred
years. As the crown is damaged by storm events, rot and insects work on the
light inner wood, producing a hollow. Into the hollow comes the soil
arthropod fauna feeding on the leaf litter and detritus of decay that
accumulates there but not on the forest floor. The tree sends roots inward
to take advantage of its own humus resource. Millipedes feed on the bark,
stimulating sap flow which traps insects and other organisms and
accumulates between the buttresses forming copal. Meanwhile the lateral
branches, grown in balance, become heavily loaded with epiphytes and
lianas. During storm events one or more lateral branches are broken off.
When enough are gone on one side to unbalance the tree it topples, upending
a vast sprawl of roots and the soil attached, exposing a new opening for
the process to begin again. This is the normal process that occurs in
relatively protected locations, producing a forest of very mixed aged trees
and perhaps the most diverse butterfly fauna in the world (with more than
1,800 species in an area 10 x 20 km). Added to this are the edge effect
slow successions occurring at the border of rock outcrops and inselbergs,
and at the border of rivers. Prehistorically there is evidence of
widespread savanna at times of the extended glaciations at high latitudes
during the Pleistocene. There is prehistoric evidence of regional fire in
postglacial time. There is indication of inundation of lowlands by a vast
inland sea during the previous interglacial episodes when melted ice sheets
raised global sea level.
There is human use of the forest, gathering useful plant products from
Brazil Nut to Rubber, meat, fur, feathers, pets for zoos, fish from the
rivers for aquaria, butterflies and beetles for collectors and artwork,
plants for biochemical search for drugs and useful DNA. Much of this has
recently been prohibited.
On top of this there is damming of rivers to create lakes for access
and hydroelectric power generation. There is the grading of roads to
provide access for deforestation schemes before bringing in settlers. There
are agricultural schemes that plant crop monocultures like Cacao, which
collapse from disease or economic planning mistakes. And then there are the
independent loggers who help improve the value of the land by removing the
best timber, on the fly. And then there is clearing of the land to raise
cattle on the rather poor grasses that will grow there. And then there is
the opening of small and large hand-worked gold mines, with the
proliferation of malaria among people living in rather marginal conditions.
And then there are the eco-tourists who leave their film wrappers and water
bottles in the bushes and stimulate a patchy boom or bust economy that
fuels political dispute.
Early successional stages are most important in all ecosystems. Highest
diversity is found during the intermediate stages of succession and also in
the boundary areas where biotic communities meet.
I see this not as a theoretical ecologist, but as one trained in
geology and biosystematics.
.............Chris Durden
At 08:26 AM 1/17/2002 -0800, you Norbert wrote:
>Some additional natural disturbance agents in my part of the world that
>'recycle'/open up that nasty old tree canopy and create butterfly habitat
>are: pine beetles which sometimes reach epidemic proportions over large
>areas; small patch openings are regularily created by Armillaria root rot
>and this has a most salubrious effect in contributing habitat diversity to
>an otherwise monotonous coniferous forest; snow avalanching is very common
>here and maintains early succesional habitats (many of these are well known
>for their spring feeding value to Grizzly Bear but remain unstudied re.
>butterfly use. On a microscale, ground squirrel digging and bear digging
>create substrate for the Polygonum host plant of Lycaena nivalis. Lots of
>fascinating stuff going on out there. I recall somebody suggested that there
>should be more study of model tropical systems. Worthy as that is; I cannot
>see how that will be of much or any use to people that have to make land use
>and resource management decisions in other completely different ecosystems.
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