Butterfly regs
Stan Gorodenski
stanlep at extremezone.com
Thu Jan 17 19:46:39 EST 2002
I just noticed that reasons 4 and 5 under 'Pro-shipping' are actually
only different ways of saying the same thing.
It is now 6-5 in favor of anti-shipping.
Stan Gorodenski wrote:
> I just noticed that Patrick's anti-shipping reason 3 and reason 4 are
> actually two reasons each.
> It is now 6-6.
> Stan
> Mark Walker wrote:
> >
> > Patrick wrote a list of pros and cons concerning butterfly releases. In all
> > fairness to Judy, Patrick could have amended his list thus:
> >
> > >
> > Pro-shipping
> > 1) A lot of people on the list have a financial interest in
> > interstate shipping
> > (good luck to them).
> > 2) Why can't we just do what we feel like without government
> > regulation
> > (Everyone wishes for this).
> > 3) There is no record of disaster caused by shipping.
> > 4) "Butterfly breeding is less destructive and less
> > likely to produce they type of genetic alteration that causes animals to
> > require human assistance for their survival than most domestications"
> > 5) "Butterfly farming for release (and, dare I say, collecting) are the
> > only commercial human uses of animals I can think of which result in a
> > benefit to the animal"
> > 6) "many children have learned about the importance of conserving the
> > habitat of all
> > creatures with their Monarch ambassador leading the way
> >
> > The vote would thus have gone 6-4.
> >
> > Just a thought };>)
> >
> > Mark Walker.
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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