Florida Blues paper
John Calhoun
John.Calhoun at SempermedUSA.com
Tue Jan 22 09:06:21 EST 2002
I would like to announce the prepublication availability of the paper
entitled "The Rise and Fall of Tropical Blues in Florida: Cyclargus ammon
and Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri" by J. Calhoun, J. Slotten and M.
Salvato, to be published soon in the journal Holarctic Lepidoptera. I have
graciously received permission from the editor, John Heppner, to distribute
copies of the final page proofs prior to publication. A page proof was
previously provided to the USFWS during preparation of their 90 day finding
notice in response to the petition to federally list C. thomasi
bethunebakeri as endangered (cited without detailed reference as "Calhoun et
al"). Due to printing delays, the paper will not be published for several
weeks. However, the authors and editor realize that the information may
help others more fully understand the current status of these species in
Florida, potentially assisting respondents during the USFWS 90 public
comment period (December 20, 2001 until March 4, 2002).
If interested, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelop to the
following address: John Calhoun, 977 Wicks Drive, Palm Harbor, Florida
34684-4656, USA. Thank you very much for your interest in this declining
species. Thanks also to the many individuals who contributed information
to make this study possible.
John Calhoun
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