[leps-talk] Re:"natural" photos?
Paul Cavalconte
cavalconte at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 23 13:21:19 EST 2002
I do not know Mr. Glassberg personally, but have admiration for the
thoroughness of his work and his dedication to popularizing interest in
lepidoptera in a contemporay, accessable way.
Nonetheless, I believe the comments of Barb Beck and Mark Walker to be,
sadly, dead-on accurate.
Glassberg's unmistakable posture informs everything he writes. Read Klots
and you are warmed by objective wizardry. Glassberg's whole schtick is
subjective messianism. It is in this spirit that many watching-groups are
formed, and why I personally must always stay at arm's length from them.
It's true, except for the most insufferably zealous, most of these
organizations make some kind of collecting-as-necessary-evil statement, but
rather like the maitre'd who asks if you prefer to be seated in smoking,
non-smoking or anti-smoking?
----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Walker <mwalker at gensym.com>
To: 'Barb Beck' <barb.beck at ualberta.ca>; Ron Gatrelle
<gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>; TILS group <TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com>
Cc: 'lepsl' <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 12:28 PM
Subject: RE: [leps-talk] Re:"natural" photos?
Barb Beck wrote:
<snippage before and after>
> Glassberg has chided me because I use a net and all our
> butterfly counts in
> Alberta use nets.
Sheesh. I wonder if I met this guy, would I like him? Probably I would,
but I can't help but feel that it would be much better if he were not
gallivanting around and preaching such a divisive message. I have a lot of
friends who are NABA bred "watchers" - and they are, by their nature, mostly
kind and warm hearted people. The kind of people that can be fun around a
campfire - and around a buffet table. I also have many friends that share
the same disease I have for doing field collecting. Maybe not the same warm
fuzzy kind of people, but a great fellowship nevertheless - equally fun
around a campfire, incidentally. Together, along with little boys and girls
that wear golden pins, draw fantastic pictures, and get their hands dirty
getting up close and personal, we make up the whole of Butterfly People.
What a shame one guy has had such a huge impact on our ability to get along
Mark Walker
ps - sorry for the cross post. This thread came from the TILS discussion
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