NABA Butterfly Park

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Thu Jan 24 08:25:48 EST 2002

Since the vast majority of investment, industrial or other construction,
destroys habitat I think we should applaud vision that finds a way to make
good things profitable.  There should be just as many incentives for
protecting or creating habitat as there are for destroying it.


Paul Cherubini wrote:

> Mike Quinn wrote:
> > NABA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. They are building
> > a multi-million dollar 100 acre world class butterfly park.
> And out here in California we have another IRS Code 501 (c) (3)
> nonprofit public benefit corporation called The Butterfly Palace, Inc.
> This organization is planning a 400 acre, $90,000,000 butterfly park
> "In a nutshell, her [Shiela Boone] goal is to build a huge crystal
> palace to educate and enlighten us about the plight of the
> Western Monarch. Sheila wants to shine the national spotlight
> on this endangered butterfly that migrates to the Central [California]
> Coast each year. The Butterfly Palace, she says, would house the
> finest live butterfly, tropical rain forest conservatory ever to
> be dedicated to environmental study, conservation and
> preservation of butterflies and their habitats. Toss in a few
> hotels and restaurants to create a true tourist destination and
> you'll come close to imagining the project she has in the works.
> Never mind the 90 million dollar price tag. The question she asks
> is, "How can we afford not to do it and risk losing
> the Western Monarchs altogether?"
> Boy, Mike, it's nice to know the sole motivation of the
> individuals who secure the mega million dollar funding for these
> butterfly parks is saving endangered butterflies like the Monarch.
> Paul Cherubini
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