Happy Birthday Leps-L

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Sat Jan 26 20:45:19 EST 2002

Neil Jones wrote:

> I thought people would be interested to know that Leps-L came into
> creation 7 years ago. The exact date of its creation is a little uncertain
> as it was experimented with before its announcement.
> It is interesting to note that some people who were around back in 95
> are still here today.

Quite a few of us, as a matter of fact. Good Lord, is that only 7 years? 
It seems like so much more. Well, happy birthday to all of us.
What a wonderful way to explore all points of view, and share our quest 
with great companions.
I have been so grateful for your help, all of you, as I learned to 
butterfly-garden the land that borders mine.
Thank you.
Anne Kilmer
Task Force Director
Miami Blue Butterfly Recovery Team


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