Vanessa at night - no 3

Nick Greatorex-Davies ngd at
Tue Jan 29 10:51:05 EST 2002

Martin, Yes, that will be Beaufort scale. 

>>> Martin Bailey <cmbb at> 29/01/02 15:27:39 >>>
Nick Greatorex-Davies wrote:

 D.J. Sullivan (Jan 1946). Remarkable Migration of Butterflies at Night and
During a gale in Co. Donegal, Irish Naturalists Journal, Volume 8, page 397.

 "A remarkable feature of the night of 10th October [presumably Wednesday
10th October 1945 - Ian Rippey] was a migratory movement of Painted Lady and
Red Admiral butterflies, in company with Snipe, Redshank, Curlew and Golden
Plover. This in a gale of wind and rain - force 7. "

When you say force 7, is that the Beaufort Scale - a wind of around 35 miles
an hour ( and in a rain, and may be in sea spray).  Remarkable that the
butterflies were able to keep aloft.

Martin Bailey,

greetings from:  Weyburn, SK., Canada.
                         49.39N  103.51W


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