Was Re: The Monarch; Now :Close Paul but no cigar.

ParcBob at aol.com ParcBob at aol.com
Tue Jul 9 09:40:19 EDT 2002

Paul wrote:

"Yes there is plenty of timber below the altitude where the
monarchs overwinter, but the American scientists screambloody murder if any 
of it is cut down by the local people to grow crops."
<A HREF="http://www.saber.net/~monarch/kurt1.JPG">http://www.saber.net/~monarch/kurt1.JPG</A>


I certainly do not want to see people starve as the establishment is 
attempting  to do. However, to settle on mountainsides and summits is 
certainly unwise. It is reminiscient of the Blue Ridge Mountains prior to 
Shenadoah National Park. T he answer is clean technology and letting the 
Third  World develop infrastructure and prosperity. of course that is 
becoming a challenge in this country except for a priveliged few. 

Subsistence farming is genocidal and keeps these countries open to the rape 
and pillage of their resources in the interest of NAFTA anfd 
GAF. If you are going to espouse 'conservative ' philosophy I suggest you go 
to classical philosophy instead of the corporateism and globalism now 
prevalent. Seek out our Republicans for Environmental protection for a 
different spin. WISE USE IS NOT CONSERVATISM. It is ignorant people being 
lackeys of corporations and greedy zealots. Very unpatriotic if you ask me. 
Big government in bed with big business. Not very sexy , if you ask me. The 
people get screwed...and we do not even get a kiss.

I can save you Paul . But it is going to take some work. I hope I am up to 
the task.

Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Pinellas Park, Florida
Reply to: ParcBob at aol.com
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