Week at Yellowstone

Randy Emmitt birdcr at concentric.net
Fri Jul 19 00:30:07 EDT 2002


I just visited California for the first time during July 3-8 and I used J. 
Glassberg's "Butterflies though Binoculars West" and California Butterflies 
by Garth and Tilden for my sources. Butterflies Though Binoculars was very 
handy came out this spring I believe and it has range maps,yet it didn't 
have Mountain Crescent, Phyciodes campestris montanus  in it.

I don't carry a net either as I'm a photographer, this time I used my Canon 
D30 180mm lens and a laptop to get my IDs right. Still dealing with 8 
species of blues was a bitch indeed. The camera laptop system let me shoot 
as much as I liked or till my batteries ran dead at around 450 photos, 
which I never did in one day. Ok a net costs a bit less than a $4000 camera 
and laptop setup.......

My field report on my Mono Hot Springs, CA trip is nearly complete see 
http://www.rlephoto.com/lepswest/ it has photos of 31 of the 35 species I 
photographed during my trip.

Randy Emmitt

>Does anyone know of a better ID
>book than the Audubon field guide or the Peterson's western
>butterflies?  I continue to get stumped when trying to ID with these
>two sources :(


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