common names list.

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Jul 19 06:55:01 EDT 2002

The Coppers, Hairstreaks, and Blues section of the SC-NABN list still needs
a lot of comments and corrections.  If you haven't been to this common
names list in awhile you should re-visit it.  If you have never been you
are missing the most complete and up to date list of its kind on the Web.
Nothing else even comes close to these lists.  Just go to the TILS home
page at and click on the "Leps Names" in the menu.
This will take you to all the various names options.  Click on the SC-NABA
for the common names.

When opening anything in a frames set up on the web, if one right clicks on
the item you will get the option of opening it in a new window.  When you
do this the frame takes up the whole screen rather than just a part of it.
When finished you just X it, or minimize it, and you are back to the place
you started.  Some folks are used to having "back" buttons on the windows
themselves, but this is unnecessary.   A simply click on the arrow at the
top of your screen will do the same thing.  There are several ways to move
around when surfing a given web site - fiddle and find out what all those
functions are.

Ron Gatrelle

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