New genus For US Butterfly

John Shuey jshuey at TNC.ORG
Fri Jul 19 17:05:07 EDT 2002

Well - actually its an old genus - re-instated.

Just looked at a recent paper by Olaf Mielke and noted the following change
to the North American fauna - Pyrrhopyge araxes  and Pyrrhopyge arizonae
have been re-assigned to the genus Apyrrothris Lindsey, 1921.  My Portuguese
is inadequate to actually tell you why at the moment  - but they certainly
look different than all the other species.

Complete citation :  Olaf H.H. Mielke, 2002.  Pyrrhopyginae: Generos novos e
revalidados (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). Revta  Bras. Zool 19(1) 217-228

John Shuey
Director of Conservation Science
Indiana Office of The Nature Conservancy

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