Portal and Ramsey Counts in Cochise County, AZ

Hank Brodkin hbrodkin at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 24 14:17:54 EDT 2002

Saturday, July 27, is the Portal Count.  Please contact me at
hbrodkin at earthlink.net .  We are meeting infornt of the Cave Creek Visitors
Center at 8:00 AM.
The Ramsey Count is a week from Saturday, August 3.  Call Doug Danforth at
The meeting place is at Stormy and Moe's cafe on Highway 92 just north of
the movie theatres and the Country House Restaurant and the traffic signal
at Choctaw in Sierra Vista.
August 10 is the Patagonia Count and August 17 is the Atascosa Count, both
in Santa Cruz County.  Contact Rich Bailowitz at raberg2 at eathlink.net for
meeting places and times.

Hank Brodkin
Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
hbrodkin at earthlink.net
SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association (SEABA)
"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
by Bob Stewart, Priscilla Brodkin and Hank Brodkin


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