Museum Assistant position Yale Peabody Museum

Raymond Pupedis raymond.pupedis at
Wed Jul 31 13:23:03 EDT 2002

Please excuse the cross posting.

The Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History is seeking a Museum Assistant I 
in the Division of Entomology to assist moving its collections into a newly 
built Environmental  Sciences Facility. This is a full time position for 
two years from the date of hire.

Duties: Under the direction of the Collections Manager, assist in the 
preparation and physical transfer of dry and fluid-preserved insect and 
spider specimens and in reorganizing and curating the moved collections. 
These duties include, but may not be limited to, preparing, inventorying, 
identifying, sorting and cataloguing insect specimens; physically 
transferring storage units; rearranging the collections by specific 
Linnaean taxonomic classifications; generating and installing labels; and 
performing clerical functions associated with these activities. The 
applicant will assist the Collections Manager in monitoring activities of 
volunteers and students, providing assistance to visiting researchers, and 
ensuring the care, security and proper handling of all collections.

Qualifications:  Six years experience, four of them in the same job family 
at the next lower level, and a high school level education; or four years 
of related work experience and an Associate degree; or little or no work 
experience and a Bachelor's degree in a related field; or an equivalent 
combination of experience and education.  Bachelor's degree in Biology with 
course work in entomology preferred. Experience with entomological 
collections, and the sufficient taxonomic expertise to sort, curate, and 
identify insects at the family level. Priority will be given to applicants 
with a proficiency in Lepidoptera systematics, although this is not a 
criterion for excluding consideration.

Please visit for full details of the 
position and application procedures. Information about the Museum and the 
Entomology Division can obtained from the Peabody web site Please note that in accordance with Yale 
Policy and applicable law, Yale is not able to help potential applicants 
obtain visas to work at Yale.

Yale University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer

For any questions regarding the duties please contact:
Raymond J. Pupedis, Ph.D.						(203) 432-5001
Collections Manager						      Fax (203) 432-9816
Entomology Division				       E-Mail: raymond.pupedis at
Peabody Museum of Natural History
Yale University
170 Whitney Avenue
PO Box 208118
New Haven, CT 06520-8118


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