catch and release

Martin Bailey cmbb at
Mon Jun 3 09:34:50 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Cherubini" <monarch at>

> 1) Capture and hold:
> Sew your own net (cheap sewing machines at WalMart if
> you don't know anyone that has one) out of a soft drapery
> material or cheese cloth.  Hold lep by thorax but be careful not
> to hurt the legs

My reply:

I do hand sew my own net using nylon net from the local drapery store.  The
"neat" part of the net is that I use the shaft from a golf wood as my handle
(compliments of some unknown irate golfer who probably stormed into the pro
shop).   Terrific grip with a long light shaft that is made to take vigorous
swinging.  The hoop is iron rod purchased at the scrap yard.

Martin Bailey,

greetings from:  Weyburn, SK., Canada.
                         49.39N  103.51W

p.s.  golf shafts are always readily available and free of charge.


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