IBBA Convention
Kathy Reinertsen
bfly4u at swbell.net
Thu Jun 13 23:40:10 EDT 2002
The International Butterfly Breeders Association (IBBA) will be
having their annual convention this year in Niagara Falls,
Ontario, on 1, 2, & 3 November 2002! The convention will be held at the
Renaissance Fallsview Hotel, and visits to the
Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Wings of Wonder in
Cambridge, Ontario, are planned. Rick Mikula will
be the convention host. Discussions and workshops covering a wide range
of butterfly topics will be offered, including
advanced butterfly gardening techniques and presenting educational
programmes in schools. Full details of all the topics to
be presented are not yet set, but will be available soon.
For more information or to be contacted when full details of the
convention are available, please write to the IBBA Events
Committee Chairman, Randy Minnehan at: minnehan at infinet.com.
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