A most horrid moth!
Eric or Pat Metzler
spruance at infinet.com
Mon Jun 17 08:49:30 EDT 2002
Your photo of Zale horrida is excellent.
I think all of us need to be careful about using an English dictionary
to look up words from a different language. Hubner was probably using
Greek or Latin. I don't have a Greek Lexicon, but I think that when you
look up the word horrid in a Latin Dictionary, you'll discover it does
not mean horrible. Horridus means "standing on end, sticking out, rough
shaggy, bristly, prickly." I can see where Hubner found the appearance
of the scales to be sticking out, rough or shaggy.
Thanks again for the excellent photo.
For all of you who missed the Annual Meeting of The Lepidopterists
Society in Charleston SC, you missed a very good event. Watch the NEWS
for details.
Cheers from sunny (very unusual for us) Columbus, Ohio
jh wrote:
>Lepsters - The overcast and chilly weather has slowed down the butterflies
>in my area, but the moths are still coming. This horrid thing showed up
>last night.
>(sorry to those caught in the cross posting)
>John Himmelman
>Killingworth, CT
>jhimmel at mindspring.com
> Visit my websites at:
> www.johnhimmelman.com
> www.connecticutmoths.com
> www.ctamphibians.com
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