
Tom Wallenmaier twallenmaier155497mi at
Fri Mar 8 18:07:01 EST 2002


I have the literature on Plutella, and I can send you copies related
to what you are interested in. I don't know of any treatment of the
genus. There is an article in the Canadian Entomologist, 1984 on
xylostella and porrectella with male genitalia shown. As for
interrupta - good luck on that one! Walsingham, 1881.
This sounds like a good question for a Microlepidoptera Society.

Tom Wallenmaier
Michigan Lepidoptera Survey
Michigan Entomological Society

cbird at (Charles Bird) wrote in message news:< at>...
> Hi all,
> Can anyone quide me to literature on the North American species of Plutella 
> other than Plutella xylostella, The Diamondback Moth? I am especially 
> interested in finding our more about P. interrupta and P. porrectella.
> Charley
> Charles Bird, Box 22, Erskine, Alberta, Canada, T0C 1G0
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