Betty's "Bastards"

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Sun Mar 17 13:28:41 EST 2002

---  Clay Taylor <CTaylor at> wrote:
> All -
>     Personally, I think "Betty" is a nom-de-plume
> (nom-de-keyboard?) from
> someone who simply wanted to get a rise out of the regulars.  Boy,
> did it
> work!  It made much more fun reading than the usual Monarch Wars or
> Collectors-vs-NABA.
>     However, I'm looking forward to seeing actual field reports of
> real
> leps - it's warming up here in CT, but where are the reports from
> the
> warm-weather guys?
> Clay Taylor
> Moodus, CT

Makes good sense. But would the real Betty Swallocks please stand up!

Incidentally, lots of Leps flying today in hot, sunny Florida. come
on down...JEB needs the money.

One of Betty's Evil Bastards (BEB)

Bob (no need for a non-de-plume)

Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates, C2M-BWPTi
rjparcelles at
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