
Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 26 16:38:59 EST 2002

--- Kenelm Philip <fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu> wrote:
> > Americans, by the way, are not allowed to spell judgment with
> that middle
> > e, fond though I am of it.
> Not allowed by whom? Copy editors? The _second_ edition of
> Webster's New
> International Dictionary (unabridges)--the one now called
> 'prescriptive'
> because it dares to label some usages as substandard--gives both
> spellings
> of the word with no comments. You may use either version in
> American
> English, even if copy editors have litters of kittens...
> 							Ken Philip

Thank god,

I have been using the "e" and it was not a neuropathetic typo nor


Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates, C2M-BWPTi
rjparcelles at yahoo.com
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- Norman Vincent Peale

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