Taxonomy With Technology- Red Adm.

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Wed Mar 27 12:30:53 EST 2002

    I have yet to isolate any of the truly diagnostic criteria. That is why 
it will take some dedicated work (or some biochemistry or genetics) to lay 
this ghost to rest or resurrect it. The only place I have found *V. 
atalanta atalanta*- like individuals in North America (from James Bay to 
San Luis Potosi, from Lakehurst to Yellowstone, and from Cedar Key to 
Sycamore Canyon) has been Western North Carolina at higher elevations in 
the Blue Ridge. I have not yet seen anything like *V. atalanta rubria* in 
Britain, France, Italy, Spain or Morocco.
............Chris Durden

At 04:53 PM 3/27/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>On Tuesday 26 March 2002 06:03 am, Chris J. Durden wrote:
> > Yes there is a *Vanessa atalanta atalanta* - Red Admiral in Poland. It has
> > always been assumed to be conspecific with our *Vanessa atalanta rubria* of
> > North America. I suspect however that the latter is a lurking cryptic
> > species, waiting to be "discovered" by some skeptic ornery enough to do the
> > research.
> > ..............Chris Durden
>I have encountered this subspecific difference before. What are the
>differences upon which it is based?
>Neil Jones- Neil at
>"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
>butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
>National Nature Reserve


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