Miami Blue - list or save?
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
rjparcelles at
Wed May 1 01:59:48 EDT 2002
--- Mark Walker <MWalker at> wrote:
> Bob,
> Thanks for the good news. I am reassured, and I'm sorry about the
> latest
> political issues that you are being forced to deal with. As for
> your
> challenge, you are quite right in making it and I accept it
> wholeheartedly.
> I was in south Florida just a month ago, and sent a few emails
> prior to
> travel announcing my availability - but I didn't send one to you.
> My bad.
> Here's a productive question: Are the insect's life cycle and its
> conservation issues clearly discussed in the brochures that you
> have
> prepared? If so, not only would I like to get a copy - I would be
> very
> interested in supporting it financially. In fact, if avoiding
> listing is so
> succinctly stated as a major goal of MBBRP, then I would like to
> volunteer
> in any way possible to help you achieve that goal.
> Thanks again,
> Mark Walker.
Thanks Mark and I will send you some attacments in the morning. Quite
frankly (candidly would be impossibe so I have to be careful here).
We do not want to make the big PR mistake Jeff just made by blasting
the FEDS. But we believe that listing is not the priority and infact
could spell the doom of the critter. We want to provide blueprints
for the sound utilization of grassroots involvment for future
recovery projects. We are trying to emulate Tom Emmel's work with the
Schaus's Swallowtail and just a little more. We would even welcom
ehim later as being the head of the "official" Recovery team if
listed. but by that time we will have created lots of habitat with we
hope more than one host. Obviously with the bias a lot of the
Project's members have against Jeffrey Glassberg, I am going to have
a hard time "working with him" needless to say never under him. I am
very greatful to the breeders and nursery people so important and
prevalent at this stage. So lets hope this can move forward but money
is stopping us from getting out this Brochure which John Calhoun has
painstakenly produced. It is a beautifu work of art. I sold two of my
3 laminated copies while down there and one of Joe Coffy's pilots
confiscated the last...I had no choice...had no schute.
Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Pinellas Park, FL
Ecologist, RJP Associates
Reply To: parcbob at
Phone: (727) 548-9775
Fax: (720) 441-3682
Nature Potpourri
Care2's Race for the Rainforest
Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at
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