Pyrgus specimens

tallen at tallen at
Thu May 2 07:10:12 EDT 2002


We are trying to finish up a paper on the genus Pyrgus for 
publication; in particular to place Pyrgus c. wyandot from the 
Appalchian populations in its proper taxonomic classification. We are 
finishing up our review of the species with an examination of the 
genes for various chromosomes, and are in need of a single fresh 
specimen of any Prygus from your area in the US or Canada, or even 

Please contact me if any of you can provide a specimen.  It can be 
put in a clean vial with 95% ethanol, or sent papered if necessary.  
We can probably work with a leg if need be as long as the 
species is properly identified.  We need to do this this spring 
before the gypsy moth spaying wipes out the remaining Appalachian 

Thanks for any help you all can give.  Specimens can be sent to me or 
John Rawlins at the Carnegie Museum.  I'll send you addresses upon 

Tom Allen
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